Kevin C. Cox/Getty ImagesThe Raptors' season has been filled with ups and downs, but in the end, it's looking like another underachieving, mediocre season. Going into the season, there was so much hope, with bringing in a completely revamped roster, and signing Hedo Turkoglu this teamKansas City Chiefs jersey
looked great on paper? Or did it?Hedo Turkoglu was always a pretty good player. Pretty good. But was he ever that great? Not really. Turkoglu is clutch, there's no denying that, but is he really that great of a playmaker? The Raptors already had Jose Calderon, and signing Hedo Turkoglu just didn't seem like the right move.This team isn't as deep as it seems. Everything was going so well up until the all star break, where the Raptors were 5th in the East. But everything went downhill. Chris Bosh got injured, and then the team just collapsed. Another mediocre season just isn't going to get it done.Most of this blame is going to Hedo Turkoglu for having such an underachieving season, and just caring about money. Well, this is where Colangelo comes into play. What did he expect from Turkoglu? He's not a scorer, he's a playmaker. Why would you sign the guy for five years, and for so much money$12 million a year? Are you kidding me? It's not Turkoglu's fault he's getting overpaid.The team was having success toward the end of Miami Dolphins jersey
the '08-'09 season, and yet Colangelo just decides to let Marion go, and grab Turkoglu. Wouldn't it make sense to sign Marion for a year, then maybe sign another big name such as Rudy Gay, Joe Johnson, David Lee, etc. to accommodate Bosh? Colangelo has seemed to have rebuilt this team every year, and none of them seem to have true success.Colangelo brought in TJ Ford, which resulted in Jermaine O'Neal, which resulted in Marion, which then brought Turkoglu. Colangelo's European players have brought in the fans, but are they really getting the job done? This offseason could be another rebuild, if Chris Bosh leaves Turk. Who's to be blamed, Turkoglu or Colangelo?