course, you do; it will take some money and time - but it is well worth it. Go for it. Get the latest haircut (the best that suits your face); get the latest style wardrobe; go to personality classes (if you feel you need them) and develop a devil-may-care attitude about you; invest in some super hep gadgets and accessories. Now look in the mirror again; only one word should escape your mouth - WOW!
2. You are popular - go the extra mile to get yourself some popularity around your peer group (the one that you share with your ex). Be friendly, be helpful, be refreshingly flirty (without being vulgar, or leading anyone on) and generally have a great time with people.
3. Acquire a few fans and spread the news - get somebody of Cowboys jersey
the opposite sex interested in you. Respond to their overtures just enough to keep the interest simmer. Spread (ever so subtly) the news that you are in demand.
4. Do stuff you could never do when you were together - these should not be things that your ex did not approve; rather things that you both wanted but never got about to doing it.
5. Look unaffected by the breakup - do not show any anger, irritation, or sadness when your ex is around. Treat him/ her like a dear friend, but completely asexual. Flirt with others around him/ her obviously enjoying every minute of it.
6. Talk only good things about your ex - no matter who is in front of you (other than maybe your best friend and parents) do not badmouth your ex; speak only about the good times you had together and those qualities you love about him/ her.
7. Keep him/ her guessing - Answer all his/ her messages with a curt yet friendly, 'Let us just be friends for now'. This would spur your ex to apply renewed efforts to win you back.
You just split and you burn with pain inside. You want to have your ex back; but you also Pittsburgh Steelers jersey
want to make him/her know what he/ she is about to lose. Time to bring out the artillery and go all guns out. Here are 7 neat tricks that would make your ex green with jealousy (and fire the desire to get back with you):